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Ada Sorrentino srl Via Leonardo Murialdo 38, 80047, San Giuseppe Vesuviano (NA), VAT number 09698591212, creator and promoter of the activities available on the site, reserves the right to use personal data provided voluntarily by Users , in compliance with current regulations (articles 13 and following of Legislative Decree 196/2003).

Users are therefore invited to periodically visit this section to update themselves on changes relating to changes in current legislation.

Ada Sorrentino srl guarantees users that the processing of personal data will be reserved for uses strictly connected and related to the provision of its services and to facilitating the management of the site.

The data voluntarily provided by Users will under no circumstances be communicated or disclosed to third parties.

Ada Sorrentino srl adopts adequate security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss of data, unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the collection purposes indicated in our Privacy Policy.

However, Ada Sorrentino srl cannot guarantee its users that the measures adopted for the security of the site and the transmission of data and information on the site are capable of limiting or excluding any risk of unauthorized access or dispersion of data by devices belonging to the user. For this reason, we advise users of the site to ensure that their computer is equipped with adequate software for the protection of data transmission over the network (for example updated antivirus) and that their Internet provider has adopted suitable measures for the security of transmission. of data on the network.

Ada Sorrentino srl informs that Users can exercise the rights referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, reported below in its essential part.

Users have the right to request the following information from Ada Sorrentino srl:

1. confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him

2. clear communication of the data and their origin

3. the reason and purpose of their existence and use

The request for the information listed above can be renewed with a minimum interval of 90 days, except for those cases where there is just cause: cancellation or modification of such data due to violation of the law; deletion of data that cannot be used for the reasons for which they were collected.

Pursuant to the same article, you have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing. Requests should be sent via email to

Having read the previous information, and by ticking the boxes relating to the Processing of Personal Data during registration, the user consents to the processing of his data for:

– the sending of information material about goods and services and promotional activities of Ada Sorrentino srl also through third parties, by post, including electronic mail, SMS and telephone;

– market research and analysis on consumption patterns and/or propensities, with the creation of individual or group profiles also with the aim of personalizing offers and proposing goods and/or products that better respond to consumers' personal preferences;

– communication of data to Ada Sorrentino srl partners for information and promotional activities.


1. What are Cookies.

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send to the device (usually to the browser). They are stored in the corresponding browser folder while the user is intent on visiting a website, to then be re-transmitted to the same sites on subsequent visits. They are used with the aim of improving navigation (the http protocol is stateless and is unable to "remember" the authenticated user who browses the pages), saving user preferences already entered (username, password, etc.), tracking tastes and preferences of the user allowing to manage the presence or absence of targeted marketing initiatives or the provision of services connected to the owner's activity such as newsletters, dems, etc. If limitations are placed on their use, these will certainly have effects on the user's status during the consultation. Blocking or removing them from the browser cache could cause incomplete use of the services offered by the web application.

2. Types of Cookies.

Session Cookies are temporary Cookies, which simply "exist" for the entire duration of the user's session of use; when the browser is closed, these Cookies are deleted. They are generally used to identify users when they access a site, to remember the user and his preferences when moving between pages of the site, to provide him with specific information collected previously. The most common example of this functionality is the cart functionality of an e-commerce site. For example, when you visit a catalog page and select some items, the session cookie remembers your selection so that in a virtual shopping cart the items remain selected when you are ready for the checkout operation. Without session cookies, if the user clicked on checkout, the new page would not be able to recognize past activities on previous pages and the cart would always remain empty.

Persistent Cookies remain active even after the browser is closed and help sites remember data and user settings for later consultation. This allows for faster and more time-efficient access since you don't have to log in again. In addition to authentication, other website features are made possible and include: language selection, theme selection, menu preferences, bookmarks or favorites and many more. During the visit the user selects their preferences and they will be remembered through the use of the persistent cookie during the next visit.

3. Third party cookies.

There are various types of Cookies, some of them are defined as third-party Cookies. They are used, for example, by the site that the visitor first chose and which contains advertisements from another server or third-party website. Operationally, the browser collects information fed from different sources so that all elements are displayed on the same page, thus creating a Cookie in the corresponding browser folder. All these Cookies can be removed directly from your browser settings or you can block their creation. In the latter case, some site services may not work as expected and it may not be possible to access or even, as the Cookie is no longer associated, the user's preferences may be lost: in this way the information would be displayed in the wrong local form or could not be available.

Web Beacons: also called “tracking pixel”, “1×1 gif”, “single pixel gif”, “pixel tag” or “action tag” are graphic images, which generally do not exceed the dimensions of 1 pixel x 1 pixels that are used for the purpose of collecting anonymous information on how users use a site and to offer personalized content. They also allow you to identify the types of browsers and the words entered into search engines by visitors used to reach the site. The Web Beacons present in email communications allow you to know if a user has received, opened or clicked on links provided with the email received.

Flash cookies or Local shared objects (LSOs): websites can use Flash contents, displayed on their pages, to store some information on the device. As with HTTP Cookies, local shared objects can be used by websites to collect information on the paths taken by users when browsing between websites. Online banks and advertisers can use local shared objects for tracking purposes.

Functionality Cookies: they are markers that remember user choices and therefore automate some procedures or allow customization of the user experience (e.g. they allow advertising banners not to appear in overlay).

Google Analytics: is a service offered by Google Inc. that generates detailed statistics on a website's traffic and traffic sources. It is the most used statistics service. Google Analytics may track visitors from all external links to the site, including search engines and social networks, direct visits and referring sites. It also displays advertising, pay-per-click, email marketing and links within PDF documents.

You can access the information at:

Google AdSense: is a program managed by Google Inc. that allows advertisers on the Google network to publish advertisements on their website, earning based on the number of exposures of the advertisement or clicks made on them.

The information can be accessed at:

4. Privacy and security on Cookies.

Cookies are not viruses, they are just text files that are neither interpreted by the browser nor executed in memory. As a result, they cannot duplicate themselves, spread to other networks to be replicated again. Because they cannot perform these functions, they do not fit the standard definition of a virus. Cookies, however, can be used for harmful purposes. Since thanks to them information is stored on preferences, the history of a user's actions, specific navigation between multiple sites, Cookies can be used to act as a form of spyware. Many anti-spyware products are well aware of this problem and routinely flag Cookies as possible threats.

As regards Flash Cookies, Adobe does not directly provide a tool to customize the Flash Player settings related to their management. To access the various adjustments offered, it is necessary to access any web page containing the created creativity, click on it with the right mouse button, choose the Global settings option and then click on the General privacy settings panel link. Alternatively, you can visit the page directly: l.

It is important to remember that if you delete Flash Cookies or completely deactivate their storage, some websites may no longer operate as expected. Flash Cookies can be used, for example, to force a new creation of a traditional HTTP Cookie containing the information it previously hosted.

5. Other cookie-based threats.

Since Cookies are transmitted between the browser and the website, a malicious user or an unauthorized person could intercept the data transmission and information relating to them. Although relatively rare, this can happen if the browser connects to the site using, for example, an unprotected WI-FI network. Other cookie-based attacks involve server settings. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted connections (e.g. https), attackers can exploit this vulnerability to trick visitors by sending them personal information through insecure channels. The attackers then hijack the personal data for unauthorized processing purposes.

6. Cookies on the website

The responsible and ethical policy with which Ada Sorrentino srl deals with aspects relating to Privacy is to include clear descriptions of how Cookies are distributed on the website Most browsers have implemented the privacy setting functionality which provides different levels of Cookie acceptance, expiration and elimination after a user has visited a particular site. It is our intention to be transparent regarding the conditions and purposes of the use that Ada Sorrentino srl makes of Cookies and other technologies.

In line with the standard practices of many websites, the Ada Sorrentino srl website,, may install and access Cookies, Web Beacons, Flash Cookies and other technologies on the computer used by the user. By using the Ada Sorrentino srl website the user accepts their use.